
Friday 13 February 2015

Room 5 NewsNote

9 February 2015

Dear Room 5 Parents/Caregivers,

Welcome back to another exciting year of learning with your child.  This year we are again sharing the teaching in Room 5.  Col Tombs will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and most Wednesdays, and Jamie Thomas will be teaching some Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday.  If you have any questions please feel free to approach us. 

Room 5’s spelling programme is based on a word study approach to learning how to spell words.  This programme is part of our daily literacy learning.  For this reason, children will be exploring, reviewing and using them within their daily learning at school.
What is a word study approach? 
Word study is based on learning word patterns and spelling rules rather than memorizing unconnected words. It provides children with opportunities to find out about and understand some of the patterns in words, as well as explore meaning.  Word study can help students become fluent readers with a strong vocabulary, and give students the chance to fully explore words in a variety of ways. 
§  Word study isn’t about memorizing spelling words but about understanding spelling patterns.
§  It isn’t about working with a random group of words but can compare words that have connections and similarities.

§  It isn’t just another literacy activity but is a purposeful look at the world of words.
Below we have also outlined some ways that you can help at home to support your child with their learning.

Each night your child will bring home 1 or 2 books from their choosing box.  The books we use for guided reading in class will not come home until your child is familiar with them and then they will go into their choosing box.  Please write the books that your child chooses into their reading notebook and sign the notebook each time the book has been read.  You can write a comment about their reading too if you like.  Please feel free to use the notebook for other communication also.  On Wednesday the children will have been to the library so they will have these books to share with you.  On a Friday they get to choose 2 books from their reading box for their own enjoyment over the weekend.  Listening to your child read each night helps them become confident readers.   Reading time should be a time for your child’s and your enjoyment.

Counting with your child forwards and backwards, and playing card or board games can be great ways to reinforce number knowledge at home.  Also counting things in the car e.g. how many red cars can you count?, or reading numbers (and words) on gateways and the supermarket are fun learning activities too. 

Useful Websites                                for literacy               for literacy, maths and science              for maths                   for maths

Thank you for your support of your child’s learning and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Col Tombs and Jamie Thomas

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