
Monday 24 August 2015

Plotting and Planning, Scheming and Dreaming

Room 5 have been getting creative and thinking about types of games for playground markings.  We have been doing research on types of games, surveying other classes to see what they think of what we already have and planning and designing using the spaces we play in.

We used the Thinkers Keys to figure out ways we could find out how to go about this - all ideas accepted, out-of-the-box thinking encouraged!  We narrowed this down to 4 or so ideas to get us going.

We thought of questions and then carried out a survey of the classes at Ohau School, to see what people thought of the playground markings we already have.  Our questions we thought of together were:

1. How many people in your class play with our playground markings?
2. How often do those people use the playground markings?
Once a month
Once a week
Every day

3. How many people play hopscotch?
4. How many people play 4 square or 8 square?
5. How many people would use them more if they were more exciting? For      example – different games or new paint.

We got some great results - including twice as many people saying they would use the markings if they were more exciting!

We then used ideas we thought of ourselves, found in books and researched on the internet to help us plan and design some ideas ready to test.  He we are, hard at work as designers:

 Thank you, Google Maps!

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Care, Nurture, Grow

It's week 4 already and our Inquiry for this term is well underway.  Our focus this term is how we Care for, Nurture and Grow our environment. Room 5 are looking at how we can care for and improve our school playground environment through playground markings (painted games on the concrete).  We have been wondering and discovering what we already know, and asking some great questions that we'd like to find out.  

Check out the pictures below for a taste of what we have been up to: