
Friday 24 October 2014

Rad Rap-unzel

The Rap-unzel show by the New Zealand Playhouse visited today.  What a performance - singing, dancing, rapping and a good dose of laughs!  

Here are some photos of the main characters - The "rude and mean" Simon Cow, The gifted Rapunzel, and of course, the charming Prince Rupert (aka Puff Rupee) - and Room 5 enjoying and joining in  the show.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Jars! - Thanks 

***Updated***We have now completed this activity for Agriculture Day.  Thank you to all the parents who sent along jars, and also extras for other children.  Thank you also to Deborah, Yvonne and Becky for volunteering to help with the 'putting together' stage.

In preparation for Agricultural Day in a few weeks, Room 5 children will be making and caring for terrariums at school.  We need to get these planted as soon as possible, so we are asking for good-sized, clean glass jars to grow our terrariums in ASAP!  No lids needed, but labels off jars please.  If you have an extra jar or two that you can send along, it would also be greatly appreciated. 

(image via

Superheroes Among Us!

To round out Term 3, Room 5 had Hero Week, where we let our imaginations run wild in the realm of Superheroes.  There were also a few Supervillains, because what would a hero be without a nemesis?!

Check out some of our 'super' writing and art...